Paula Radcliffe
I expected more entries, only got two, in the book giveaway and the winner is: Steven Pohnert and I will be in contact about the book you would like. Now for an added bonus since there were only two entries I am going to give two books away and Mary Stewart is the other winner - surprise!
This weeks Interview Tuesday was with recent Morehead State University graduate who will now be working with Athletes in Action - Mason Blevins
Great Interview with Tim Noakes by Zach Bitter and Dr. Shawn Baker
Looks like Shalane is headed back to New York.
Good videos on movement assessment and exercises. Also check out the ACU Running Program at Topo
Some thoughts on the professionalization of ultrarunning. Bottom line, and what is often missed in the conversation, is that sponsorships and race winnings are there if a sort generates revenue from consumers.
iRunFar.com's This Week in Running: August 13, 2018
LetsRun.com's The Week That Was in Running: August 6-12, 2018
A look at defining the upper limits of performance
A talk with John Rutherford and Peter Defty, of Vespa, on his change to Optimized Fat Metabolism (OFM)
Taking injuries seriously and not ignoring them: Are You In Denial
Probably not new to anyone but good to remember: Injury Proof Your Running in 6 Steps
Read about Paul "Hardrock" Simpson who was an ultrarunner of the late 1920's
At last check Karl Sabbe is still on track to break the current FKT on the AT. This site is tracking is progress as compared to the current record and at 29 days he was 111 miles ahead. Should be noted that Joe "Stringbean" McConaughy did it unsupported and Karl is doing it supported
David Roche looks at the art of pacing yourself
A look at Ethiopian success in running and why it is more than about poverty and altitude
Last weekend Ultrarunner Rob Krar, and I guess mountain biker, did the Leadville 100 MTB race getting 14th and this week he is doing the double by running the Leadville 100 Ultramarathon
Looking for a trail race check out the American Trail Running Association's Race calendar
How about doing some trail running in Finland
Camille Herron and her Husband, Conor Holt ,have started a coaching service @ Run With Camille Coaching
Wow, winning the European Championship 1500m at 17 years old and going form the front with 800m to go. Also, cool to see all three brothers at the front at one point. Then he goes on the next day to win the 5000m in much the same manner over the last 800m.
But Jacob Ingebrigsten was not the only youngster to win as Mondo Duplantis, at 18, won the pole vault at 6.05m (19'-10") - The WR is 6.16m (20'-2.5")
Masters Running News
The World Masters Athletics (WMA) Marathon Championships will be run at the Scotiabank Marathon in Toronto Canada Oct 21, 2018
Local, to Kentucky, Races and Events (In the future will also include races in nearby states)
(If you have a race in the area, including surrounding states, let me know and I will post about it)
Check out these Race Companies for local races: Good Times Even Services & Central Kentucky Race Management. For trail and Ultra races in Kentucky and Virginia check out Next Opportunity Events
Want to do a fun event and help the Wayne County Cross Country team and the Wayne County FCA at the same time then the 36th Annual Lake Cumberland 5Miler/5K and 1 Mile Fun Run is for you - September 1st, 2018
Check out the Southeastern Trail Runner Podcast 12 Hour Challenge on September 2nd in Scottsville, KY
Need a trail race at the beginning of November then maybe the Jefferson Memorial Forest Trail Hillbilly Half in Louisville KY is for you on November 8th, 2018. I have only run out in the area once but there are some great trails
The Second Annual Harrods Creek Trail Bash 5K/10K is November 18, 2018 in Prospect KY
Also, check out the inaugural Falls 100 - also has a Half-Marathon, Marathon and 50 miler as well as the 100.
Want to run a great race then put the 2019 Yamacraw 50k (also a 20K and 10K ) on your schedule. The race is April 6, 2019 and registration opens October 1st, 2018. Either set your own reminder or have Ultrasignup send you one as I would not be surprised if this race does not sell out real fast as word is getting out about it.
Races this Coming Week
Habanero Hundred, Cat Spring, TX - August 18, 2018
Mt. Madonna Trail Run, Watsonville, CA - August 18, 2018
Squamish 50, Squamish, Canada - August 18, 2018
Leadville 100, Leadville, CO - August 18, 2018
Pikes Peak Ascent (18th) and Marathon (19th), Manitou Springs, CO - August 18 - 19, 2018
The Race Across Scotland, Portpatrick, Scotland - August 18 - 22, 2018
Kilimanjaro Stage Run ("not a race"). Mbhae, Tanzania - August 18-28, 2018
Past Weekend Race Results
European Track & Field Championships, Berlin, DE - August 6-12, 2018
Bigfoot 200 Mile Endurance Run, Mt St. Helens, WA - August 10-14, 2018
Hot Hot Hundred (10K, 100K & 100K Relay), Wallingford, KY - August 11, 2018
Eastern States 100, Little Pine State Park, PA - August 11, 2018
The Badlands (50M, 50K, etc.), Medora, ND - August 11, 2018
Crater Lake Rim Runs, Crater Lake NP, OR - August 11, 2018
Paavo Nurmi Marathon, Hurlye, WI - August 11, 2018
Wye Valley Challenge, Chepstow, UK - August 11, 2018
Sierre-Zinal, Switzerland - August 12, 2018
A Paula Radcliffe Documentary from BBC in 2015
Sierre Zinal 2018 Highlights
Nice video on Ryan Sandes on Running
A look at the Berlin 100 won by Yoshihiko Ishikawa this past weekend
Race Across Scotland Trailer
Redemption - Hillary Allen's run at the 2018 Broken Arrow Sky Race a year after a running accident that almost killed her - you can hear an UltrarunnerPodcast interview with Hillary here
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