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2016 JKF 50 Miler |
Tell us a little about yourself not necessarily related to running: age, where born, education, area you live in, etc…..
I was born at Stanford Hospital 43 years ago, and grew up in San Jose, CA with my Brother, Mother and Step Father. I attended Santa Teresa High School where I ran cross country and middle-distance track while cycling with my buddies on the side. Following graduation, I attended West Valley College, and earned my Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts while trying to find myself. Unable to find myself or pay for San Jose State University, I enlisted in the Army. I had always wanted to serve, almost every man in my family had, so it was a logical progression that I would too. I thought I would serve for 4 years and get out, but I decided to stay in following the 9/11 attacks. Now twenty years and six moves later Kim and I are ready to allow our family roots to grow in Elizabethtown where we have been fortunate to become part of such an awesome and positive community.
What is your profession?
I am a Soldier in the United States Army; the strongest Army the world has ever seen. I will retire from active duty in 6 months at which time I hope to become a permanent HR employee at Metalsa.
How did you start running and what prompted you to do so?
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2017 Running Soles Original Recipe Ragnar Team |
I started running to get in shape for football. I played football my freshman year in high school, but unfortunately, I was not any good. My work ethic impressed the coaches, but that was it. During double days sophomore year, the coach was yelling at the other players for not being prepared and told them how he saw Silva running to Morgan Hill (13.1 miles) one day over the summer. The cross-country coach caught wind of this and requested I come out to one race to see if I would like it, and I placed 3rd overall. My football coach released me to the cross-country team where I lettered sophomore year. It was the first time I had ever quit something, but in this case, it was the best decision leading to a lifetime of enjoyment.
How long have you been running?
I have been running since 1990 totaling 28 years.
Did you participate in any other sports over the years?
As a child I played little league baseball from t-ball to the pony league. I was better at baseball than football, but I was not better than the other catcher who made the high school team which lead to my going out for football. My real passion growing up was cycling, I had a paper route 8th grade year which allowed me the ability to save enough to purchase my first bike, a Schwinn Traveler. It was the best starter bike the future Greg LeMond could buy for $230.00. Over the years I put many miles on my bike, but I never became good enough to race at the highest levels. My dreams of being LeMond or even a domestique were thwarted and my focus remained on school until I finished my Associates.
Did you run in grade school, High School or College? If so where?
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2017 Backyard Classic |
I ran cross country and middle-distance track for Santa Teresa High School. My team had a lot of talent, so during cross country I was runner 4/5 battling it out every race with my nemesis, Vishal Doctor. My goal was to run in college, but I had a torn meniscus the summer between junior and senior year which slowed me down. The surgery was a success, but my form did not return in time to have a great senior year.
So we get an idea of where you have been with running can you share your PR’s for: 5K, 10K marathon and any other distance you may have run in the past.
I will use my recent adult PRs since high school was a lifetime ago:
- 5K - 18:23
- 10K - 37:41
- 10 Mile - 1:05:10
- ½ Marathon - 1:28:33
- Marathon - 3:00:08
- 50K - 4:12
- 50 Mile - 9:07
JFK 50 Miler must be my most memorable race. I traveled there with my boss who encouraged me to run it. I had heard about the race but knew nothing about it until I spoke to Will Rivera who described his experience running it. This was his first ultra-marathon, and I thought why not make that my first attempt at something beyond the marathon distance as well. I had convinced myself that it would not be too difficult, I broke it down to a 16-mile trail race, followed by a flat marathon and finally a rolling 8-mile run. How hard could that be? Really hard!!! I had no idea what to expect or how to pace, and I really did not know what the pain cave was until I did this race. I truly believed my body would listen to my brain, I constantly told it to run to no avail. I started to run walk (ultra-shuffle) from mile 23 through mile 45. I would run a mile followed by 90 seconds of walking. I was able to run the last five miles non-stop, and by the time I finished I was in disbelief that I could finally stop moving and a tear came to my eye as the emotion of the accomplishment finally hit me. This ranked as my proudest running achievement until last November when I qualified to run Boston at Monumental.
Do you have a favorite workout you do?
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Team Silva (Austin, Mike, Kim & Hannah)-2017 Miles for Megan 5K |
How about a favorite route you like to run?
My favorite route is the 1st half of the Backyard Classic (BYC) Loop in the Elizabethtown Veteran’s Park to the Freeman Lake Loop back to the 2nd half of the BYC Loop. The combination of single track, wide gravel trail, mowed grass and paved sections provide variety to keep from becoming bored. Each season has its own beauty, from winter covered in a blanket of snow to the bright fall foliage to the sticky hot & humid green I couldn’t ask for a better place to run. I also love the fact that it is only a ½ mile from my house. Anytime I need peace or a stress relief I can go for this run and while in the woods forget that I am in town minutes from my house.
What is your favorite distance to run and race?
I have raced many different distances and enjoy each for different reasons. I would pick the ½ marathon as my favorite distance to race. It is long enough to take between 1:30 to 2:00 depending on the terrain, but it is short enough that I can still enjoy the rest of my day while feeling a sense of accomplishment. Plus, I don’t have the speed to enjoy the 5-10K races.
What shoes do you run in and what do you like about them?
I run in Altra Paradigm when road running. I love the wide toe box which allows my wide feet to spread out. In addition, I enjoy the soft ride due to the amount of cushioning. Topo Ultrafly are my favorite trail shoes, they too have the wide toe box, but they fit snuggly allowing for a very responsive feel.
Do you have any long-range plans?
The longest-range plan now is the Boston Marathon in April 2019. Beyond that I will have to see how my body feels. I have had ongoing foot pain that if it persists I will have to return to cycling for my fitness needs. I pray my body holds up, because I would love to run the Big Sur Marathon.
What do you like best about living and running in KY?
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2017 Running Soles Bourbon Chase Team |
I love the camaraderie of the runners who have become such good friends to my family and me. I look forward to seeing everyone when training or racing, and I would not trade this community for the world. I also love the natural beauty of the Kentucky farmland when running races like Run the Bluegrass or Bourbon Chase while on the road. The trails are equally stunning, running Bernheim, Otter Creek or Freeman Lake/Veteran’s Park always recharges my soul.
Anywhere else you would like to visit to run?
There are so many places that I would like to visit to run, it is hard to choose just one. I look forward to running in Acadia National Park during the autumn one day.
Do you have any bucket list races?
The Big Sur Marathon is my main bucket list race, but I would also love to run the oldest trail run in America, The Dipsea Run. It is a 7.4 mile run in California from Mill Valley, across the bay from San Francisco, to Stinson Beach on the Pacific Coast. The views are stunning, and the weather is always comfortable.
What do you struggle with most with regards to running?
I struggle with pushing too hard too often. Every time I get in shape, I find myself pushing my easy runs well beyond what my heart rate monitor shows as easy.
What do you see as a trend in running?
I see a trend toward ultra-marathons, coast to coast there are races popping up everywhere. They have become so popular that many of the prestigious races have lotteries to get in to limit the number of runners. It is inspiring to see runners accomplish extraordinary races such as our own Will Rivera finishing as the 1st American at the Spartathlon in Greece, running 153 miles from Athens to Sparta in 27 hours. Lori Masterson is another inspirational local runner who finished 1st overall in her 50-mile debut. This sounds amazing in itself, but midway through that race she fell and broke her shoulder. I am amazed that I get to run and associate with such awesome athletes and people. Every year more of our local runners attempt and finish ultra-marathons from 50k all the way to the 100 mile. It makes me proud to be part of such a great group of human beings.
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2017 Ft. Knox Army 10 Miler Team |
I had foot surgery a few years ago and fell into laziness well after the recovery. I became depressed, fat and a poor example to my children, so my why was to show my children that they can do anything they put your mind to with hard work and dedication. Set goals and make them public. Peer pressure is an awesome motivator. Don’t forget to love running, I did, and I am having a hard time getting back at it.
Do you have a website or other social media site you would like to share?
I would like to share the Greenspace donation link. Our outdoor community would not be what it is in Elizabethtown without the hard work and advocacy they provide, so if you feel compelled please support them.
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