them for those times you need to hit the treadmill or indoor bike trainer. I am sure some listen to them on rides and runs but I am not one of those, at least not right now.
Here are a list of podcasts I have, and others that have been suggested, that I listen to when I get a chance and for some of them I have put particular podcasts I have liked in links below. I may not always agree with the podcast but have still found them useful as it is good to be challenged.
Here are the website/podcast links but for me I load them into iTunes and then keep up to date for them there but that is my preference.
Podcasts (In Alphabetical Order)
- Born to Kick Arse
- British Ultra Running Podcast (Added 12/26/18)
- C Tolle Run Podcast
- Diz Runs Podcast
- Endurance Planet
- East Coast Trail and Ultra
- The Final Surge
- Ginger Runner Live & Ginger Runner on You Tube
- Heartland Running
- Human Performance Outliers Podcast - W/Zack Bitter and Dr. Shawn Baker (Added 5/17/18)
- The Intelligent Racer - Adventure Racing | Triathlons | Ultras
- The Ketogenic Athlete
- Ketovangelist
- MAF Podcasts
- Marathon Training Academy
- Masters Milers
- The Natural Running Network
- The Negative Split Podcast
- Orange Mud Adventure Channel
- Primal Endurance Podcast
- Primal Blueprint Podcast
- Rich Roll
- Run For Your Life podcast W/Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
- Run to the Top - Runners Connect (Weekly Interviews)
- Run to the Top - Extra Kick (Daily Podcast)
- Running for Real w/Tina Muir
- Running Rogue (Added 3/17/19)
- Running Stupid
- RunSmith Podcast
- Science of Ultra
- Sock Doc
- Southeastern Trail Runner
- The Strength Running Podcast
- Talk Ultra W/Ian Corless
- Trail Runner Nation
- Training for Ultra
- Ultra Runner Podcast
Specific Podcasts (No Particular Order)
- Primal Endurance Podcast #46 – Jeff Browning
- Jeff Browning, Ultrarunner Extraordinaire on OFM
- Talk w/Jeff Browning Part 1 & Part 2 (iTunes Links) - Here are the YouTube Links Part 1 & Part 2
- The intelligent Racer Podcast with Jeff Browning - Part 1 & Part 2
- Real-Life Benefits of Being a Fat-Adapted Athlete with Paul Terranova, Travis Macy and Peter Defty
- Primal Endurance Podcast: Listener Q&A on Fueling with Lindsay Taylor
- Healthy Eating with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
- The Keto Reset with Brad Kerns and Zack Bitter
- Peter Defty on Primal Endurance talking about Optimized Fat Metabolism (OFM) - MMAF
- Heartland Running interview with Naresh Kamur - A Story Worth Telling Part 1 & Part 2
- Travis Macy & the OFM Transformation
- Peter Defty Coaches Keto Endurance
- Dr. Phil Maffetone and Zack Bitter on Endurance Planet
- Endurance Planet on Tapering with MAF & More
- Jeff Volek and Zack Bitter on the FASTER Study - Part 1 & Part 2
- Peter Defty on OFM with a Healthy Body and Mind
- Zack Bitter is Low Carb and High Milage
- Sunny Blende: Carb Burning vs. Fat Burning
- Sunny Blende: How has Endurance Nutrition Changed?
- An Interview with Dr. Phil Maffetone on The Natural Running Network
- Dr. Mark Cucuzzella & Dr. Josh Emdur: It’s Time To Get Your Health Back
- Nutrition for Runners with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
- Mark Allen Interview on Heart Rate Training & Racing
- Joe Rogan talks to Mark Sisson
- Carrie Tollefson nterview with Jen Rhines
- Running, Coaching and Nutrition with Zack Bitter
- Tina Muir talks to Phil Maffetone: What is Your Fatigue Early in Races Really Showing You
- Primal Endurance Podcast #124 with Phil Maffetone: Overfat and Fat-Adapted Eating
- Training for Ultra Podcast with Zack Bitter, Camille Herron, Paddy O'Leary, Eric Senseman, Yiou Wang and more
- Endurance Planet talk with Dr. Phil Maffetone: The Eight Steps To Mastering MAF, Healthy Body Fat Ranges, and How Athletes Can Decrease Health Risks
- Heartland running talks to Ellie Greenwood
- Jae Gruenke of The Balanced Runner on Endurance Planet
- Dr. Maffetone and Endurance Planet host Tawnee Prazak talk about the eight steps to mastering MAF and other topics
- Interview with Camille Herron and Race Director Steve Durbin on Heartland Running
- Training for Ultra podcast: Bandera Recap w/ Mario Mendoza and Michele Yates, Carb vs. Keto w/ Jason Koop and Zach Bitter
- Interview with Alan Webb
- Diz Runs Podcast talks to Brad Kearns on MAF, Primal Endurance and just a paradigm switch
- Q&A with Laz at a showing of the Barkley Marathons Documentary in Elizabethtown Kentucky - thanks to SETR
- Episode 80 interview with Joseph Gray on the Negative Splits Podcast
- Zack Bitter and Dr. Shawn Baker interview of Jeff Browning
- Primal Endurance podcast #151 with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
- SETR #68: Interview with Will Rivera - winner of the inaugural War Hammer 100
- Interview with Tim Noakes by Zach Bitter and Dr. Shawn Baker
- Primal Endurance Podcast, in 2 parts, with Dude Spellings - Part 1 & Part 2
- British Ultra Running Podcast talk with Camille Herron after her 24hr WR
If you have others you think should be added comment and i will give them a listen if I have not already and may add them. Also, I will be working on this page to maybe better sort the podcasts and add more as I come across them. So, check back and see what has been added.
This page will be linked to in the sidebar so it can be accessed more easily if you want to point anyone this way. Again, as I get more suggestions for podcasts I will add them.
Joe Rogan Experience, podcast no. 752. Long interview with Mark Sisson just after the release of Primal Endurance (January 26, 2016). The first ten minutes or so of the podcast are advertisements.
Thanks Mike, I will be adding that one. Always like a Mark Sisson interview.