Tell us a little about yourself not necessarily related to running: age, where born, education, area you live in, etc…..
I’m 42 and the proud father of 3 wonderful daughters, Alicia, Madison, Morgan and one granddaughter Arabella. I was born in Covington, Ky. I served in the United States Marine Corps for 8 Years and I bleed RED WHITE and BLUE! While in the USMC I served as an electronic tech on EA6B Prowlers and this lead to my current career as a Controls Engineer. A devastating injury to my left knee, torn ACL, MCL, and Lateral Meniscus, lead to me leaving the USMC. I am an active member of TEAM RWB and have a passion for helping our veterans!
What is your profession?
After countless schooling in the USMC to become an electronic tech, long days at ECTC and UofL, I have a degree in Electrical Engineering. I am a Controls Engineer with a local company hear in Elizabethtown, Metalsa.
How did you start running and what prompted you to do so?
How did I start running, well now that’s a story. As you can imaging I ran a lot in the USMC, 3-5 miles 4 to 5 times a week. However, it was not as enjoyable as it is today. After a few surgeries and a cadaver ACL to “FIX” my knee injury, I was told that walking would be a long and painful road and I would never run again. So, I didn’t for 14+years after getting out of the USMC and I got FAT(289LBS)! It was almost 3 years ago that I was going through a divorce and ended up in a dark place and a GREAT FRIEND called me one Saturday morning at 6:30am and asked me what I was doing. I told her I has feeding my face (pizza and a 32oz Coke). She then asked me if I could meet her in Bardstown at 8am that she was running a 5K, “Another Freaking 5K” I said sure why not, after all she was a great friend. WELL………when I get to Bardstown I was informed that I was running it with her. I somehow finished that first 5K (1:00:09). It wasn’t too much longer after that race that I found myself in this shoe store on Ring Road and this crazy guy, Will Rivera, wanted me to come to one of his group runs, so I did and that is where I met what I now call my RUNNING SOLE FAMILY. It wasn’t till later that year when I was asked to be a driver for my friends Bourbon Chase Team, “The Bourbon Bells”. It was an amazing time and I was hooked, I had to have this in my life. It was hard at first and still is due to my knee but it is so worth getting out there and running! I owe a special thanks to my friend Christie Royalty-Orr for making me run that first 5K! She and I have been team mates on a few different teams and let me tell you she makes it a blast!
Less than 3 years outside of the USMC
Did you participate in any other sports over the years?
Football, baseball, church softball
Did you run in grade school, High School or College?
So, we get an idea of where you have been with running can you share your PR’s:
- 5K – 00:37:00, but my first at 1:00:09 will be what I remember
- 10K- 1:39:00
- 13.1- 2:59:17
- MCM- 6:47:12 just under that time limit to be an official finisher
- TRI Louisville-1:46:01 15th in my division Clydesdale
What is your most memorable race or races and share a little about at least one of them?
The MCM (Marine Corps Marathon) changed me! 33,000 runners and countless spectators. The longest run I had done prior to the MCM was 14.5 miles, that means I had 11.7 miles of unknown! At mile 18ish I had a massive blister pop on my right foot and was about to give in! I started limping and trying to justify quitting and then it happened…. from out of nowhere a guy with the same team shirt, RWB, said as he passed me “keep moving, don’t stop, you can finish, you can do it EAGLE!” as I looked at the back of his shirt I realized he was running on not 1 but 2 prostatic legs! In my head I said, “He is missing half of his body and isn’t quitting, what’s my excuse, Fat and Lazy” That’s all it took, I started running again and walking when I had to but I did not give up and I will never just give up! Thank you to that unknown EAGLE!
Do you have a favorite workout you do?
REST DAY! I would say any group workouts rather it be running, biking, or swimming. I find that I pick a group that is much better than I am and do my best to stay with them. After all steel sharpens steel!
How about a favorite route you like to run?
I would say any of my runs that take me downtown Elizabethtown or any of the trails
What is your favorite distance to run and race?
I don’t know that I have a favorite distance and I say that because less than a year after starting to “RUN” I got this bright ideal that I was going to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I have always been the type to “go big or go home” so when I was told that the MCM was not my best ideal that I should run several smaller races first and to ease into the longer distance I registered for and I finished the 2017 MCM! I have been part of a few big races and runs, Ragnar (3), Bourbon Chase, MCM, several 13.1, and although I didn’t run it, the “FAT ASS” was a lot of FUN! In the spirit of go big or go home I have gotten into triathlons, I ran my first TRI just a few weeks ago in Louisville, and I plan to do my first 70.3 Ironman later this year if my coach thinks I’m ready. Now for my brightest ideal to date…. I plan to run the 2019 Louisville Ironman!
Do you have any long-range plans?
The rest of this year and next year is training for the 2019 Louisville Ironman!
I also plan to do a 100-mile race, I will be seeking advice from Will Rivera
Marine Corps Marathon 2018

On September 8, 2018 I will be riding my first 100 miles in the Bike to Beat Cancer Ride. I’m doing this ride for my best friend that has been diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. I would like to invite EVERYONE to come to the Starting line to see all the riders off, stage along the route, and at the finish line. We will need the encouragement along the way!
What do you like best about living and running in KY?
The People! I have never had any bad experiences with the running community. Around Elizabethtown, we have several athletes that I would call elite, and they have always had positive and encouraging word for me.
What do you struggle with most with regards to running?
Knee pain! But I have a great coach that has helped me develop it, and encourages me to listen to my body. My diet has been a big part of all this. I started out at almost 300lbs and now down to 239 with a goal of 200.
What do you see as a trend in running?
Ultras, but I’m not a good judge, after all I just started!
I now you run with the Running Soles group, can you share a little about how running with a group helps you.
The RSN is AMAZING! What else must be said. Unfortunately, I don’t get to run with them as much as I would like due to my work schedule, but every time I do run with them I grow as a runner and a person. The support of this group is amazing, we are a family! Will has given me some great advice, and is always willing to help not only great runners but that person just wanting to come out and walk some. I would say that thing that I like about the RSN the most is the celebration of achievements of others!
You had mentioned that running has helped you with your relationship with God and helped create friendships – can you share a little on this
This goes back to my dark days while going through my divorce. It seemed everything was turned upside down and I had no ideal which way was up. I began talking with Shawn Edwards, my pastor and friend. He encouraged me to listen to God! So, I tried the best I knew at the time and this lead me to becoming saved. Let me give you a side note, I used to run with music but my coach had me stop this due to rules of some races. Now on my runs with no music I began talking with God and trying to figure out all the whys, and how’s as to what was going on in my life. I don’t know when or where it happened but one day I didn’t say a word and just ran and opened my mind and heart up to God and Things just started getting better. I realized that the only thing I could do was try to live a life that God would be proud of. I stopped looking for someone to blame and in-turn started trying to better myself. From that moment on life was GREAT, I didn’t say it was easy, I didn’t say it was fair, I didn’t say I never had bad days, but now I have someone to give those things to and let God deal with them.
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Make sure to read the interview to understand the sign |
Also, I’m now able to call my Ex-wife Janelle my friend, and to this day from time to time we, Janelle and her boyfriend, and the Girls all get together and have dinner and life is good.
I have been given some thought to leading the bible study “RUN FOR GOD.” Run for God's 5K Challenge is a 12-week Bible study program that allows runners to combine faith and endurance training in a way that helps take people, even those who have never run, through their first 5K. I looked at this class about a year ago and didn’t give it much thought, but just when I think I have gotten off the hook of maybe leading a class, somehow, I get tons of emails, some form of information about the class in the mail. I think I’m afraid to lead it not because of the running, but fear of not being a good teacher, and not knowing the bible as well as I should.
If you had one, well maybe two or three, things to say those that are running to encourage them what would it be?
Don’t give up! The hard part was getting off the couch! Come to group runs and I guarantee their will be someone that will welcome you and encourage you along the way! BELIVE IN YOURSELF!!!!
Do you have a website or other social media site you would like to share?
Please go to "Bike to Beat Cancer" and please search my name and consider donating to this ride please. I along with 1000’s of people touched by cancer Thank You
If you would like to get involved with Team RWB or just have questions about what we do please go to - www.teamrwb.org
Any closing comments?
I wish I could thank everyone that has helped me alone the way but I’m sure there is a limit to how much can be published LOL! But here are a few:
Christie Royalty-Orr, Will Rivera, Shawn Edwards, Elliot Mattingly, TEAM RWB, Barry Stokes, Mike Jotautas, and most of all my 3 daughters Alicia Kitts, Madison Kitts, Morgan Kitts, and the world’s best granddaughter Arabella Kitts
We have been friends with Matt (and family) for years. His transformation from "unhealthy couch potato" to where he is now has been something to see. He's been an inspiration to many and continues to do so- my husband is his best friend. We are so blessed to have this guy in our life. ❤