I have not known Kim, or her husband Mike, very long but it is always great seeing them when I go on a Running Soles run or meet them at a race. Enjoy hearing more about Kim and be encouraged by her story.
Tell us a little about yourself not necessarily related to running: age, where born, education, area you live in, etc…..
I was born and raised in San Jose, CA. Mike and I got married in 1998 and then we moved to Colorado. Since then we have moved back to Cali twice, lived in Louisiana and lived in Kentucky twice. We love Kentucky and plan on staying here for a bit. However! Being an Army family we get the itch to move every few years, so the itch may come again. Lol.
What is your profession?
Currently I am a CSR at Brandenburg Telecom. I have just recently started working after being a stay-at-home mom for almost 18 yrs. I love being a stay-at-home mom and wife. It gave me the opportunity to volunteer for my kid’s schools and Mike’s Battalion at Fort Polk during OEF/OIF.
How did you start running and what prompted you to do so?
I started running to maintain some weight that I had lost in 2012. I also started running to join Mike since he was a runner. It was something else to have in common with him and the races gave us something to train and plan for together. My first race was the Color Run 5k here in E'town. We did it as a family which was a great experience for all of us.
How long have you been running?

Did you participate in any other sports over the years?
In High School I played field hockey. Other than that we enjoy rollerblading and hiking.
Did you run in grade school, High School or College?
I did not run in school. I never enjoyed it when I was younger and over the years I had attempted to run at different times. I found it difficult and would become discouraged and eventually stop.
So we get an idea of where you have been with running can you share your PR’s for 5K, 10K marathon and any other distance you may have run in the past.
- 5k is 26:20
- Half marathon is 2:08:47.
- Those are the two distances that I keep track of. Other distances that I have raced are 10k, and 10 milers.
Last year at the Railsplitter in Hodgenville it poured down sheets of rain the entire time. I have never gotten so soaking wet as I did that day. My friend Carman and I hid under the timing tent until the very last minute in attempts to stay dry. At the Derby Mini in 2017 they delayed the race by 2 hours due to lighting and tornado warnings. We all huddled under the overhang at Slugger Field. It was great. The kids, Mike and I ran the Triple Crown together in 2017. I loved that all four of us did this series together. Last year I ran RUTS in Corydon with my lady gang. It was the first time that I have ever ran a 10 hour endurance run. It was the first time I’d ever run throughout the night! I completed 31 miles that night. It was awesome to be on that track all night with all those different runners. Plus Steve Durbin and his team put on a great aide station!
Do you have a favorite workout you do?
I run on Wed and Thur morning with my lady gang. It’s called the 5 @ 5. We pretty much run the same route and it is a highlight of my day. It is definitely hard to get out of bed and will myself out the door at 4:50am. But on the days I run that early I feel great afterwards. These ladies are great company and motivation.
How about a favorite route you like to run?
I love Freeman Lake. It is such a great benefit to have those trails in my backyard. I love running there throughout the different seasons. It is neat to see the changes throughout the year.
What is your favorite distance to run and race?
I’m a half-marathon gal. I love racing that distance. It takes training and determination to complete this distance, but at the same time it doesn’t take over your life. My training runs average about 10 miles when I am getting ready for a half.
What shoes do you run in and what do you like about them?
Topos Ultra Fly! I’m on my third pair of them. I love them because they fit my flat feet great. They have a wider toe box, but they are not as wide as Altras. They are a good all terrain shoe, I run on the road and trails with them. I put 600+ miles on my first pair, and they held up great. I have even convinced a few of my friends to convert to them as well!
Do you have any long-range plans?
My long range plan is to get back into my running groove. I have recently fell into a running slump, but I am working my way out of it. It is difficult for me to sometimes balance running and my life with kids. We recently dropped our oldest child off at UK (Go CATS!) so we are learning to adjust to life without her in our home. Our son Austin plays football and wrestles so his schedule comes first before ours. So I would have to say my long rang plan is just to run more frequently. Mike and I are signed up to run next year’s Triple Crown and I have a half planned next Sept with the ladies in Indy.
What do you like best about living and running in KY?
The thing I love the most about running in KY is the people. We have met so many great people. I love getting to know everyone and hear their stories. I have made some great friends through running. We have shared many laughs, some tears and so many great stories with each other. Within our town we have a great community of runners that support each other. We are truly fortunate.
Anywhere else you would like to visit to run?
I would not count this as run, but Mike and I have a desire to go the Camino de Santiago and travel the whole path. We would take our time on it and enjoy the whole experience. I would also like to visit the Canadian Rockies one day.
Do you have any bucket list races?
My bucket list races are all in California. The Big Sur ½, Bay to Breakers in San Francisco and the Wharf to Wharf in Santa Cruz.
What do you struggle with most with regards to running?
My biggest struggle with running is consistency. I can maintain my training for a good amount of time, but then once something interrupts my schedule, it is sometimes hard for me to get back to running. Some weeks I run 5 days, others I may run 2 days that week. I’m a great procrastinator and excuse maker. That is one reason why I like running with friends. They keep you accountable and expect you to be there with them!
If you had one, well maybe two or three, things to say those that are running to encourage them what would it be?
- Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others. Everyone runs a different way, pace, distance. Do what makes you feel good!
- Don’t get discouraged. It can be a trial and error process to figure out what works for you and running.
- Enjoy yourself, your surroundings, and your fellow runners. I have had the best time with the people I have met while out running.
Thank you for interviewing us! We like reading everyone’s interviews. It is neat to hear about their journeys. Other than that, I want to wish my husband Mike well on his next race. I think it is called The Boston Marathon? He earned his spot for next year and I am excited to see him at the finish line! We will be celebrating our 20 yr anniversary and his retirement from 21 years of service in Boston!
Stay Tuned as next week I interview Kim's husband Mike.
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