It is always great to hear how people started running, especially those that do it later in life. The reasons are varied but the result are often the same - changed lives. I am glad Allen was wiling to share his story and I hope it inspires and encourages you.
Tell us a little about yourself not necessarily related to running: age, where born, education, area you live in, etc…..
I was born in 1970 in Taylor county and grew up on a family dairy/grain/tobacco farm. I have lived within a 1.0-mile radius of my first house for all but 10 years of my life. I graduated from Taylor County High School in 1988. Then graduated from Georgetown College in 1992 with a major in Physics and Chemistry. I attended graduate school in chemical engineering at the University of Kentucky from 1992-94. I’ve worked in the automotive industry since 1994 at various locations including Toyota in Georgetown, KY and numerous plants in the Lebanon/Springfield, KY area. I’m currently working at AGC in Elizabethtown, KY. My father still runs the farm and I help out whenever possible. Thankfully the dairy cows and tobacco are in the past. We only raise corn, soybeans, and a few beef cows today.
My wife, Mary, and I married in 1990. We have two children. Jason (22) and Taylor (20) with our 1st grandchild due later this year.
What is your profession?
I am the Process Engineering Manager at AGC in Elizabethtown. AGC manufactures automotive safety glass (windshields, side windows, rear glass) for most all of the automakers in the US – Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, etc. I have 10 process engineers that report directly to me.
How did you start running and what prompted you to do so?
In January of 2017 my weight had ballooned up to over 355 pounds. I have always been ‘Big AL’ since I’m 6’3” and ‘big boned’, but this was getting a little ridiculous. I was having back and knee problems constantly. Had no energy. I was basically living a sedentary life. I couldn’t even climb a flight of stairs without being out of breath. My life was work and recliner/TV. Nothing else.
So, I decided that I had to do something. In February 2017, we purchased an elliptical machine. I started working out on it each morning before work. At first it was only 5 minutes. Then I got up to 10. Then 15. By the end of April, I was up to 30 minutes every morning. I was feeling better, but the elliptical gets old quick. I needed something else.
In May, I bought a FitBit and joined a 100-day fitness challenge that AGC sponsors (Virgin Pulse) for all of our employees every year. Virgin Pulse is a daily step challenge designed to get people moving and help provide ideas/options for a healthier lifestyle. I was still doing the elliptical every day, but also adding walking a mile at lunch and a couple of miles on the weekends. By the end of June, I was averaging over 15,000 steps per day between the elliptical and walking. I still needed more.
On July 5, 2017, I made my first visit to Running Soles in E-town. That day Madeline helped me choose my first ‘real’ pair of running shoes and insoles. I started trying to run (couldn’t run ¼ mile without walking at first) and decided to enter my first race. On July 22, I completed the Freeman Lake 8K. I won’t say that I ran it. It was about 100 degrees and I walked a lot more than I ran, but I did manage to finish (1:19). I was barely able to walk the next couple of days, but I came back for more.
Over the next several months, I ran the Freeman Lake 10K, the Puretap 5K, the Great Pumpkin 10K. Most importantly though, I started running every Tuesday and Thursday night with Running Soles Nation. Will, Madeline, and the entire RS family were so supportive and encouraging that I kept wanting more and more. Now I’m running 5-6 days per week. 40-50 miles total. Building up to my first full marathon at the Kentucky Derby Festival on April 28, 2018.
Along with the running, I’ve also modified my diet to include more protein, less carbs, and pretty much eliminated all ‘junk’ foods. I eat a LOT of turkey, chicken, carrots, and grapes.
I traded in my Fitbit for a ‘real’ runner’s watch last month (Garmin Fenix5X). I’m also a running shoe junkie according to my wife. I think that own five active pair right now and I’m already planning my next pair.
My weight is now 216 pounds. I’ve went from 50” waist to a 34” waist.
I’m getting faster and running further every week. I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life.
How long have you been running?
July will be my 1-year anniversary of trying to run.
Did you participate in any other sports over the years?
I was in the band in high school and didn’t play organized sports. I did play a lot of rec league volleyball in high school and got pretty serious about it during my college years and for several years afterward. I played on a fairly regular basis until about 5 years ago. I was very heavily involved with coaching my son in baseball and football from the time he was 4 until he graduated high school.
Did you run in grade school, High School or College? If so where?
Never. Not even to the diner bell. My brother and sister both ran. I just made fun of them and asked them why they would ever want to do something so silly.
So we get an idea of where you have been with running can you share your PR’s for: 5K, 10K marathon and any other distance you may have run in the past.
- 5K- St. Patrick’s Day at Morningside Elementary in ET March 2018 – 24:30
- 10K – Hillside Hustle Dec’17 – 59:59 (I’ve ran faster times, but no official 10K since)
- Half Marathon – Running the Bluegrass 3/31/18 – 1:57.24 (beat my previous PR at the 2017 Urban Bourbon by 24 minutes)
- Best Trail Race Time – L-ville Loving the Hills 15M Feb’18 – 3:25
- Full Marathon - ???? not yet attempted.
What is your most memorable race or races and share a little about at least one of them?
Since I’ve done so few, they are all very memorable at this point.
- 2017 Freeman Lake 8K because it was so hot.
- 2017 Great Pumpkin 10K because it was the first time that I felt like a runner.
- 2017 Urban Bourbon Half because I remember thinking immediately after that this was dumb and I would never do again. Then signing up for the Running the BG Half and KY Derby Full less than a week later.
- 2018 Running the Bluegrass Half because I finished in less than 2 hours and ran the entire time. I felt great at the end despite all of the hills on the course.
- 2017 Otter Creek – my 1st technical trail race. I fell twice on the course, but still loved it.
- 2018 L-ville Loving the Hills – 1st time anybody every called me ‘fast’
What is your favorite distance to run and race?
I’m not sure that I’m far enough along to answer this yet. Ask me again in May after the Debry Full. Right now I’d say any trail race. I love running the trails.
Do you have any long-range plans?
After the Derby Full, I’m not sure. More trail races? Trail Full? Longer distances? But I am sure that I want to continue running with #RS Nation and getting faster/healthier.
What do you like best about living and running in KY?
I’ve always lived in Central Kentucky. I love the people. The hills. The lakes. Hiking/running in areas like Red River Gorge. With a 1-2 hour drive you can run about any terrain you want.
What do you struggle with most with regards to running?
I have struggled with bad knees during my journey, but that seems to be getting better since I dropped the weight. Other than that, I haven’t really hit any big obstacles at this point.
What do you see as a trend in running?
I only know the running of the day, so I don’t think that I can predict any trends. Hopefully the trend is that more and more people decide to get out and give it a try.
If you had one, well maybe two or three, things to say those that are running to encourage them what would it be?
First and foremost, find a great local running store like Running Soles and get involved with a running group like #RS Nation. The advice and support that they provide is priceless.
Second, don’t give up because you can’t run without walking or you are slow. One year ago today I couldn’t run 100 yards. In less than a month, I expect to be able to put a 26.2 sticker on my truck.
Get an activity tracker such as a Garmin or Fitbit and start tracking your steps, miles, food, etc. It helps to remember what you have done and see how much you are really eating.
Lastly, get your family involved too. My mom and wife helped out in the beginning by walking with me. Then my brother, Jeremy, and sister, Tiffany, took over once I started running. They have been an inspiration. I’m trying to get my wife, son, and daughter to buy in as well. Only time will tell if I can get them hooked.
Do you have a website or other social media site you would like to share?
Running Soles Training group on Facebook. It’s a great source of knowledge, upcoming activities, etc.
Any closing comments?
My favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump. I’ve said for a long time that I could answer about any question with a quote from the move. I never really thought much about the running parts of the movie until sometime late last year. Now my favorite quote from the movie is ‘I just felt like running’. Those 5 words sum up my life for the last year and hopefully for the future.
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